Welcome to The 209 Journey Podcast! You can listen to all episodes here or on your favorite podcast app!

E5 - Oakdale, CA's Disney Ambassador, Lauren Fields!

Today's guest is our first ever from Oakdale, California, a friend of mine who has represented the 209 all throughout the West Coast (Seattle, Portland, LA!) and spent quite some time working for Disney (at Disneyland and their mall stores!).

Thank you for tuning in to The 209 Journey Podcast on YouTube! If you'd prefer to listen on the go, you can find the show on most apps out there like Spotify, Apple, Google, and Amazon, by visiting: https://podlink.to/The209Journey

The show intro music is brought to you by:
Groundwork by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3832-groundwork
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license